Most of you know me as the girl who is obsessed with baseball, wine, and chicken wings.
Well that's completely accurate...
But one more thing I'm obsessed with is fashion. I have spent an embarrassingly amount of money on clothes, but I love them. I don't know what it is, but I like to pretend it's like a designer giving me a big, sexy hug. Especially if that designer is aware of my obsession with those wings, because homegirl has some curves.
'The Nest' reached out to me and invited me to check out their store that's filled with fashion items, accessories, and furnishings.
Um -- hello, I am SO there.
The moment I walked in I was greeted by the beautiful store owner Tessa with a hug, and I instantly felt comfortable. To the right of the entrance were all types of furnishings that were cute, funky, vintage, and new.
But, I wanted the clothes at that moment. Duh.

I went through to the left side of the store located in Reno and was overwhelmed with the amount of outfits I found. I started off conservative.
A cute dress with every color of the rainbow that highlighted my figure instantly put me in a good mood.
Can we all agree another female's praise helps?
Yes, yes we can.
The ladies threw endless compliments at me and for a girl who struggles a bit with insecurities (but who doesn't) this made me feel so much more at home.
Tessa and I talked a lot about social media in between taking photos, and it continued to be a fun time.
I decided to break out of my comfort zone once I began to feel at ease. I don't care who you are, if you're not used to getting your picture taken solo, it can be awkward --- even if it's a close friend with the camera in her hand.

Consider the comfort zone broken. (It gets better, just hang out for a bit).
Gabby (my amazing photographer) and I found this adorable couch for sale and it was blue, with flowers so naturally we had to pretend I was a model (I even joked around a little bit and had an accent and pretended to be a diva --- well I'm always doing that). This was the one item I'm mad I left without. I know I can always go back and purchase it, but this beautiful hat made me feel SO Fashion-y. Fashion-ish. Fashion-ed? It made me feel all of those things.
So did this coat.

This is my "I have no ideal what the hell I'm doing, but I have seen Chrissy Teigen doing it once" face.
I'm pretty sure this is a coat on most women's bodies, but here I am, posing with it as if it were a blanket. And it works because it's cozy and warm.

I told Gabby to "get my good side" and this is what we ended up with. The Nest has amazing accessories and I wish you could have seen Gabby's face when she found this beautiful umbrella. She was so excited about it. And rightfully so.

Like I mentioned before, I shop...a lot. One thing I am weird about is dressing rooms. So much so that if I don't like the dressing rooms, I'll try on the outfit on the floor (which I'm surprised hasn't resulted in being 86ed from a TJ Maxx yet) or I will leave altogether.
In this case, I had no problem, and it was a super cute room. All kinds of funky mirrors and it was as if you were wrapped in fabric.
The whole store was funky, but clean and neat. Tessa was warm and so inviting and wrapped the overall experience in a bow. I plan on this being a redundant stop during my retail therapy needs.
Thanks again for having me.
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